Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Late Night Chatting

..iRead somewhere that the Lack of Sleep makes you Fat?
There might be some truth to this statement but i got friend that i certainly think that this does not apply to ^^.

One late night before i went home, i instant messaged a friend and talked a bit with her. It seems she couldn't get her potato powered light bulb thingy to work. And Not really having much knowledge about such things I simply advised her to Eat because she had not done so yet. I don't exactly know what came into my mind but i suddenly started drawing cuz she took a long time to reply.

At first, i just drew odd shapes with different colors,
but after she came back and asked me what i was drawing i asked her what would she like..


Food is the only thing i think i know how to draw close enough to actually be recognized..

so with Shaking hand and Empty stomach i Started

And this is what happened.

.."Sometimes the unexpected is what you expected to happen, but didn't"..