Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 31, 2008

Whats with August 31, 2008?

Two of my friends, after more of less 15minutes of Brutal explanations of the importance of this day, i still failed to acquire the concept of August 31, 2008.

It wont happen again, its once in a life time, its just today and no more tomorrow, it wont be here again next year, its a specific date that cant come back, if i die September 23, 2004 the August 31, 2008 wont be there, if you get a cornets (small blue one..) and see the serial number and eat the chip things inside and throw it away the even if they make a million other cornets then its not gonna have the same serial number as the one you ate and threw away..

After 20mins my head hurts. Thought of a whole bunch of stuff, i though of maybe its someone's birthday today or maybe there was a deadline they were trying to catch or maybe there is this weird cult that my friends secretly joined up recently and they worship Satan in the form of a fat worm that eats cows that celebrated August 31st as the coming of their dark worm lord or some such shit. But they all said "NO".

Dumbfounded, i asked the "other" people who weren't telling me today was special, I even asked a Girl i was Chatting with on Yahoo Messenger. They also had no idea what was so special about today. Maybe i don't really get the concept of this day, but of the few things i know today is A SUNDAY the last day of the month, tomorrow the "-ber" months begin and whole different kind of "HELL" is about to begin..

As a last note, I'm sure my friends and the other [SECS] members have no idea what i have planed in the upcoming months ahead, I'll make sure that all of my cravings will be fulfilled and that the [SECS] members will be satisfied (even the Cave dwelling members..)

"..iF you Cannot Achieve the happiness you seek,
tHen it is Not Your Happiness.."

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