Sunday, August 10, 2008

What to Do..?

..There will always be new things to come into your life. It is never limited to the now or the before, there will always come the soon that you might never even know coming. Simple pleasures are always the best, especially when you have problems. Just a joke to laugh at, a funny picture or memory to smile at, a familiar thing that reminds you of the "good times", or even the advise of a friend spoken well at the right time to guide you on what choice it is that you must make in order to get a clearer picture of where you stand in your life as of the moment..

"..i don't really understand, but maybe you shouldn't hang around her that much, talk to her, text her or whatn0T..
..So that you wouldn't get hurt.."

..Sometimes, things are easier said than can be done and its true. You just can't find that extra motivation needed to fulfill the said objective, either because you're afraid of the pain you know your going to feel or because you know that no matter what happens nothings going to change no matter how long and hard you try. Is it really the thought that counts? Or the time and effort you actually put out. Some actions need only words to come to life, some need more than that..

..Do we really have no choice in our lives, or have we been truly blinded by fear? Fear that makes even the large fear the small. Have we been reduced to cowards that no longer wish to take control of our futures? Our desire to survive and better ourselves have been replaced by the thought that just living is surviving, that nothing better can be attained through the mastery of the fear the we feel each time we do something that we are not accustomed to..

"..The body is but a vessel for the soul,
a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny.
And lo, the body is not eternal,
for it must feed on the flesh of others,
lest it return to the dust from whence it came.
Therefore must the soul deceive,
despise and murder men.."

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