Sunday, August 31, 2008


[S] ensual
[E] conomic
[C] ultural
[S] ociety

An organization of Friends that are United by common interest and habits.
All unique to one another yet share the commonality that bind them together as one, each specializing in their own fields and expertise of different Arts.



August 31, 2008

Whats with August 31, 2008?

Two of my friends, after more of less 15minutes of Brutal explanations of the importance of this day, i still failed to acquire the concept of August 31, 2008.

It wont happen again, its once in a life time, its just today and no more tomorrow, it wont be here again next year, its a specific date that cant come back, if i die September 23, 2004 the August 31, 2008 wont be there, if you get a cornets (small blue one..) and see the serial number and eat the chip things inside and throw it away the even if they make a million other cornets then its not gonna have the same serial number as the one you ate and threw away..

After 20mins my head hurts. Thought of a whole bunch of stuff, i though of maybe its someone's birthday today or maybe there was a deadline they were trying to catch or maybe there is this weird cult that my friends secretly joined up recently and they worship Satan in the form of a fat worm that eats cows that celebrated August 31st as the coming of their dark worm lord or some such shit. But they all said "NO".

Dumbfounded, i asked the "other" people who weren't telling me today was special, I even asked a Girl i was Chatting with on Yahoo Messenger. They also had no idea what was so special about today. Maybe i don't really get the concept of this day, but of the few things i know today is A SUNDAY the last day of the month, tomorrow the "-ber" months begin and whole different kind of "HELL" is about to begin..

As a last note, I'm sure my friends and the other [SECS] members have no idea what i have planed in the upcoming months ahead, I'll make sure that all of my cravings will be fulfilled and that the [SECS] members will be satisfied (even the Cave dwelling members..)

"..iF you Cannot Achieve the happiness you seek,
tHen it is Not Your Happiness.."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Falling to The Ground

You used to make my Heart beat that now boils,
where there was pleasant songs not painful screams.
Forever gone the sweet the now bitter memories,
the once endearing that have become encumbering sight of YOU.

iFell for You so long ago, Yet only now do iFeel the ground.

Do unto others.
Live life in pursuit of your own happiness
not to mind anyone else,
trample their hearts.

"..A small glimmer of Hope is better than complete Darkness in Despair.."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What to Do..?

..There will always be new things to come into your life. It is never limited to the now or the before, there will always come the soon that you might never even know coming. Simple pleasures are always the best, especially when you have problems. Just a joke to laugh at, a funny picture or memory to smile at, a familiar thing that reminds you of the "good times", or even the advise of a friend spoken well at the right time to guide you on what choice it is that you must make in order to get a clearer picture of where you stand in your life as of the moment..

"..i don't really understand, but maybe you shouldn't hang around her that much, talk to her, text her or whatn0T..
..So that you wouldn't get hurt.."

..Sometimes, things are easier said than can be done and its true. You just can't find that extra motivation needed to fulfill the said objective, either because you're afraid of the pain you know your going to feel or because you know that no matter what happens nothings going to change no matter how long and hard you try. Is it really the thought that counts? Or the time and effort you actually put out. Some actions need only words to come to life, some need more than that..

..Do we really have no choice in our lives, or have we been truly blinded by fear? Fear that makes even the large fear the small. Have we been reduced to cowards that no longer wish to take control of our futures? Our desire to survive and better ourselves have been replaced by the thought that just living is surviving, that nothing better can be attained through the mastery of the fear the we feel each time we do something that we are not accustomed to..

"..The body is but a vessel for the soul,
a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny.
And lo, the body is not eternal,
for it must feed on the flesh of others,
lest it return to the dust from whence it came.
Therefore must the soul deceive,
despise and murder men.."

You are Evil if . . .

..You Are Evil iF you Have. . .

•Jealousy for things that you can not or could not have & for achievements that you could not accomplish.

•Hatred for your fellow man from simple misunderstandings that your pride or ego could not undo.

•Insatiable Desire for riches, wealth and possessions that are beyond your own needs.

•The Malice that depicts the Very Hated for one's self that manifests itself into pain that you hunger to inflict upon others that gratifies you like and addiction that can never be truly fulfilled.

•Take Pleasure in killing Bunnies and other Small Defenseless Woodland Creatures for No real Reason.

•The Time to Leave Chewing Gum on the Road in Hopes that other people will have a Bad Day.

•The Audacity to Take the Toilet Paper from Every Comfort room cubicle that you find and leave only 1 fold.

•Urge to Push old People when they take too long to climb down the stairs.

•The Chance to Tell someone who loves you stories about your new guy until he cant take it anymore.

•No Reason to Tell someone you love them until you get tired and just one day act like nothing happened.

•No need but still Kill Time by Burning Forests.

•The energy to Waste people's time by telling them "Hey, Whats that?" and point at nothing.

•The Time to Watch a movie andtell people who haven't watched it yet the ending and the thrilling parts.

•A name that is Rose Sorianno, but that would make you unquestionably Evil.

•Other choices but still choose to Steal money just because you're too Lazy to work.

•A Korean look but crooked front teeth.

•A larger stomach than your head.

•A kind heart to Save Animals and fight for their rights only to brutally kill them yourself.

•Tattoo that sez "Jesus is Coming!" across your butt cheeks.

•A Brother and Castrated him at an Early Age because you were bored.

•Created an invention that makes you 1mm taller, but gives you diarrhea for 5days non-stop each use.

•No other name other than your 1st name said twice. (ex. Jan -> JanJan)

•The Compulsion Constantly Masturbate to the picture of your 87 year old Grandmother.

•Ever told your friend that you want to be the father of a pregnant girl but actually it was just your dog.

•Always told everybody "YES" but actually meant "NO".

THE END.. (for now..)

"..Only the people who live their life without fear, don't know what life really is.."

Random Thoughts Out of the Sudden

..A Comment to my Friend, i Just started typing and didn't stop..

..That is Because i Radiate and glow of greatness that catches the attention of the others that inspire them to follow me and rally to my cause to overthrow the norms of everyday life, to fulfill that itch to be not just another dull person living in the trend that somebody else created to draw attention to them in hopes that it makes them seem more like who they are, which in truth it does. Never the Less, it is my belief that someday people will gain the understanding that we are who we are because that is who WE are. Imperfect beings that have our own errors that make us unique and individualize us from one another..


..But isn't it True? That we as Human Beings are imperfectly perfect?

..Perfection leads to nowhere. Our Imperfection helps us live out our lives in balance just as nature intended. Trial and Error helps us learn from out past mistakes. The hardships that we endure as we grow until the day we die shape us unendingly into out own unique individuals.

"..How Can I Run after the Girl of my Dreams,
iF she has Her Own Dream..?"

The Fleeting Dream

..The Hardest part is always the start, This Blog Delayed by almost a month.. i just couldn't find the time to start it, uninspired by the events of my life to focus on writing anything that had any much meaning to anyone other than myself..

..I had already planned out as far out as 3blogs ahead, yet found it so hard to even compose the first out of the many, although this might not mean much, this blog is dedicated to me and my unending boredom and an outlet for my mind. To many thoughts kept bottled up can't be good for you know..

..Besides other people out there might be bored and have nothing better to do, and i need a place to put my thoughts and memories..

"..Words are Thoughts projected, Dreams are Thoughts Set into Motion.."